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Trelleborg Oil & Marine S.A

Trelleborg Inductrie S.A. is one of the leading suppliers of large-bore hoses to offshore oil terminals. Trelleborg provide full service worldwide – engineering studies, delivery of complete solutions (hoses and ancillary equipment), on-site supervision, and recommendations for installation, maintenance and repairs.

Their hose design is unique and is based on the latest developments in tire technology, with high resistance to extreme operating conditions and mechanical fatigue. Features include a nipple less and helix-free design, steel-reinforced cables instead of textile and continuous rubber liner.

Trelleborg has developed solutions for most of the modern applications related to Tanker and FPSO Offshore Offloading – Reeling, Chute, Catenary, Single, Dual and Double Carcass, Floating Flare, Water Cooling Systems and LPG – and provides innovating  solutions for equipping the export lines of Deepwater Oilfield Projects, TRELLINE (API 17K qualified).

With the newly refurbished and enlargen production and testing facility Trelleborg is ready to take on more jobs and at the same time meet the short delivery requested by the marked.


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