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Tank Level Gauging

A comprehensive range of radars for tankers and inland ships EM940 & EM540

Honeywell Marine Solutions offers a complete range of radarlevel gauges developed in collaboration with Enraf Terminal Automation BV : the EM540 for inland waterways vessels and the EM940 for tankers. Honeywell Marine Solutions thus meets all applications for tankers (chemical tankers, bitumen tankers, product tankers) and barges.
With several thousands of radar units in operation, Honeywell Marine Solutions offers the most reliable technology for each specific application, complying with the latest maritime regulations.


PL3700 series level gauge or a pressure transmitter

Based on a ceramic cell, the PL3700 can be used as a level gauge or a pressure transmitter in a Marine environment in compliance with the toughest regulations.
Main features of the PL3700 :

  • wide thermal range of operation (up to 125°C) with an active temperature compensation.
  • excellent and stable accuracy (+/- 0.2 %)
  • mechanical ruggedness allowing resistance to overpressure and corrosion
  • built-in ASIC
  • intrinsic safety design
  • availability of absolute and relative types

The LIDEC level switches

Developed in cooperation with “Paris VI” University, the Lidec series liquid level sensors series are especially designed for marine applications. They provide a reliable solution to liquid level detection.
Their operating principle, a patent granted to Honeywell Marine Solutions, is based on the propagation of a surface wave inside a stainless steel probe. This principle is fully static, without vibration or moving parts. A "self-monitoring" function ensures the reliability of this equipment. This allows these sensors to be used in safety systems such as overfill protection, bilge well alarm and water ingress detection..

The CT801 series electro-pneumatic level transmitters 

The electro-pneumatic level transmitters allows remote level measurements to be made using a4-20 mA analog output, which is based on the bubbler-type principle. 
These transmitters are designed to avoid common malfunctions such as lack of air pressure supply or overpressure. The CT801 series proven reliability has made it the standard reference for equipment in this category.
More than 2000 vessels have already been equipped with these transmitters (especially passenger vessels where safety and reliability are highly important).


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