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Offloading hoses

Trelleborg Oil & Marine in France, Clermont-Ferrand, have for more than 30 years been serving the international oil industries with their offloading hoses, now in confirmation with the OCIMF standard and recently API17K.

Their unique design has shown enhanced performances in harsh environment and rough handling. Previous Trelleborg manufactured and supplied one hose for the few applications but now, Trelleborg have specially developed a type of hose for each type of application.


Reeled systems ( floating or non floating hoses ) also according to API17K

Fully Floating 20" Reeline


Twin hose systems (submarine seawater suction hoses)



Large bore flowlines (submarine/floating) in complience with API17K design/manufacture spesification


The TRELLINE™ is a bonded hose made of rubber, steel rings and reinforcement layers, end-fitted with a unique integrated gasket flange system. The TRELLINE™ comes in sections of (usually) 40 ft, which are bolted together in situ to make an OOL of the required length.

Until recently, two types of Oil Offloading Lines (OOL) were used for the transfer of stabilized crude oil between the FPSO and the SPM: steel pipe or un-bonded flexible pipe. Trelleborg have developed and qualified an attractive alternative: a new type of OOL, the TRELLINE™.The TRELLINE™ is a bonded hose made of rubber, steel rings and reinforcement layers, end-fitted with a unique integrated gasket flange system. The TRELLINE™ comes in sections of (usually) 40 ft, which are bolted together in situ to make an OOL of the required length.

Key Features:
  • Lower pressure drop, therefore less pumping power needed on the FPSO
  • Superior fatigue performance
  • Significantly lower suspended weight and horizontal pull on the SPM, reducing its size and cost
  • Repairable on site by changing one hose section, unlike the conventional OOL types
  • Low installation cost
  • Very quick installation with NO hot work.
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