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High / Overfill Alarm System

CARLA system

CARLA system is designed to meet the requirements for cargo tank high level alarm and overfill protection.

The CARLA system is designed to meet the requirements for cargo tank high level alarm and overfill protection. Its main advantage is the use of the Lidec L91 (single probe) or L92 (dual probe) as two independent level alarms. (See below)

With more than 550 vessels equipped, the excellent reliabilityover time of the control cabinet and its components need no longer to be demonstrated.

The CARLA system is compliant with certification rules and regulations issued by international classification societies.

The LIDEC level switches

Developed in cooperation with “Paris VI” University, the Lidec series liquid level sensors series are especially designed for marine applications.

They provide a reliable solution to liquid level detection.
Their operating principle, a patent granted to Honeywell Marine Solutions, is based on the propagation of a surface wave inside a stainless steel probe. This principle is fully static, without vibration or moving parts. A "self-monitoring" function ensures the reliability of this equipment. This allows these sensors to be used in safety systems such as overfill protection, bilge well alarm and water ingress detection...

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