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Docking and Mooring Systems

Trelleborg Harbour Marine designs, manufactures and supplies a range of mooring and monitoring products that offer improved levels of safety and reliability to vessel berthing operations. Products work together enabling us to supply a complete modular solution.

Quick Release Hooks 

Proven in the harshest marine environments and available in capacities ranging from 30 to 200 tonnes. Standard manual release design allows upgrade to enable remote hook release and load monitoring.

Vertical Hawser Reel ( VHR ) has been designed specifically for offshore tandem mooring applications and it is suitable for installation on FSOs.

The vertical drum incorporates the hawser hook with integral load monitoring and quick release capability from zero to 400 t.

A local console allows the operator to perform the mooring operations (hook-up, release and emergency release). A Cargo Control Room (CCR) unit allows the operators to monitor the load, diagnose the system and perform an emergency release if necessary.


Capstans Integral or free-standing units matched to Harbour Marine’s range of hooks, or custom designed for retrofit. Vessel capstans also available.

Remote Release Ruggedly constructed release actuator units and electronic controls are located in certified water and dust tight enclosures.

SmartHook® Load Monitoring Automatic, at-hook load monitoring provides an intelligent, low-cost solution to safer mooring operations. Links to centralised load monitoring system in jetty control room.

SmartDock® Docking & Piloting Systems Monitors and records the vessel's closing distance, speed and angle relative to the jetty for the safe docking of vessels. GPS units also provide piloting and navigation approach assistance.


Marine Environmental Monitoring

A variety of instrumentation is available for measuring wind, wave height, tide and current at the jetty. Data can be integrated with other jetty/vessel mooring data using software developed to international standards.

Integrated Monitoring

Designed to bring together Mooring Line Monitoring, Docking, Environmental and, where required, third party Monitoring modules into one single, HMI system. Data can then be networked to other locations.

Quick Release Chain Hawser Hooks

For mooring oil tankers to Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) vessels. Available with remote release and load monitoring options.

Quick Release Chain Stoppers

For mooring of FPSO / FSO vessels, shuttle tankers and large tankers to an offshore facility. Available with remote release and load monitoring options.


Single Point Mooring (SPM) Monitoring For continuous real time monitoring and recording of vessel hawser loads at offshore Single Point Moorings. Integrated SPM performance systems also available.

Pelican Hooks Pivot hook assemblies for offshore buoys


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